Artificial lighting of plants  in greenhouses

Luminaire FLORA LED 240/1.3



FLORA LED 240/1.3 luminaires are designed to create energy-efficient artificial lighting in greenhouses:

  • in addition to natural  daylight;
  • to control the light period (photoperiodic lighting);
  • to completely  replace daylight  with artificial light (growing without daylight)


Technical parameters

Parameter Value Parameter Value
Radiation flux, W 120 Energy efficiency class A+
Photon flux, µmol/s 600 Power factor 0,98
Input current, A (max) 1,15 Enclosure protection rating IP65
Input voltage, V 230 Operation temperature, 0C +1…+40
Input frequency, Hz 50 Weight, kg 2.7
Power consumption, W 260 Dimension, mm 1300х134х80

Luminaire emission spectrum

FLORA LED luminaires  are a source of optical radiation in a wide range of wavelengths, including in the range of photosyn-thetic active radiation,  ensuring the course of the whole variety of photobiological processes inherent in plant organisms.

The nominal  service life of the luminaires  is 10 years with reliability indicators  L90F10 ≥ 60000 hours

(IEC/PAS 62717:2011).
Warranty period of operation – 36 month.


Luminaires  are recommended to be installed in the greenhouse  with lines along the axis of symmetry  of the trays (rows) with plants, adhering to the geometric  ratio: the distance from the plants top to the line of luminaires (height- H) is equal to the distance between the lines of luminaires (spacing-S). With such an arrangement of linear sources of optical radia­ tion, the optimal  irradiation of plants is achieved. For the installation of luminaires in greenhouses, it is recommended to use trays, cables, busbars, using lamp brackets.

The intensity of photosynthesis strongly  depends on the irradiance of the phytocenosis of photosynthetic active ra- diation (photosynthetic irradiance). This dependence is expressed by a logarithmic curve, called the light curve of photosynthesis.

There are three characteristic sections of the photosyn- thesis curve:

01 Straight section up  to irradiance level  100…150  W/m2 or 500…750 µmol/m2•s PAR (20000…30000 lx). In this area, the rate of photosynthesis increases in proportion to the increase in irradiance.

02 Curvilinear section  up   to irradiance level  250…300

W/m2 or 1250…1500 µmol/m2•s  PAR (50000…60000 lx). In this area, the rate of photosynthesis slows down, but con- tinues to increase, although  not in proportion to the in- crease in irradiance.

03 Straight section. In this area, a further increase in irra- diance does not cause a change in the rate of photosyn- thesis. The latter state is called the state of light saturation. In plants of the temperate zone, light saturation occurs at an irradiance  of 100…200 W/m2 or  500…1000 µmol/m2•s PAR (20000…40000 lx).

Photosynthesis light curve







Light intesity

Recommended levels of plant irradiation and daily dose of irradiation

Plants DLI (Daily Light Integral) PPFD
MJ/m2 mol/m2 W/m2 µmol/m2 •s
Micropropagation of plants 0,5 – 1,0 2,5 – 5,0 10 – 20 50 – 100
Microgreens, green crops, seedlings 1,0 – 2,0 5,0 – 10,0 20 – 40 100 – 200
Berry crops 2,0 – 4,0 10,0 – 20,0 40 – 80 200 – 400
Vegetable crops (tomato, cucumber, pepper) 4,0 – 8,0 20,0 – 40,0 80 – 120 400 – 600
Parameter Propagation  & Cuttings

14 Days

Vegetative growth

21 + Days Depending on Strategy



3-7 Days


8-10 weeks Including transition and depending on cultivar

Stock Plants (mothers) Slow


Stock Plants (mothers) Rapid Growth
Average Light



Day 150 – 200 200

Increasing gradually to 450-550 over 21 days


Increasing to


700-800 350-450 500-600
Photoperiod, hours 18 18 12 12 18 18
Daily Light Integral (DLI), mol/m2 10 – 13 Increasing grad- ually from 13 to 30 – 35 30 – 35 30 – 35 23 – 29 32 – 39
Ambient Room

Temp., 0C

Day 21-23 26-29 26-29 26-29 21-24 26-29
Night 16-21 21-24 21-24 21-24 18-21 21-24
Ambient Relative

Humidity (RH)

Day 100% until rooted, within 4-

7 days, then vent to 80%

75-80% (early)

55-67% (mid/late veg)

55-67% 55-67% (early)

50-62% (mid/late veg)

50-60% 55-67%
Night 100% until rooted, within 4-

7 days, then vent to 80%

75-80% (early)

55-67% (mid/late veg)

55-67% 55-67% (early)

42-57% (mid/late veg)

50-60% 55-67%
Vapor Pressure

Deficit, kPa

Day 0 0.67-1.00 (early)

1.11-1.80 (late)

1,11-1,80 1,11-1,80 (early)

1,28-2,00 (late)

1,00-1,49 1,11-1,80
Night 0 0,50-0,75 (early)

0,82-1,34 (late)

0,82-1,34 0,82-1,34 (early)

1,07-1,73 (late)

0,83-1,24 0,82-1,34
CO2 Enrichment, ppm 1200-1500 1200-1500 1200-1500 0 1200-1500

Here are some lighting recommendations by growth stage, as lighting needs differ between plants in propagation, vegeta- tive, flowering,  and stock plant stages. We recommend that growers  begin by using FLORA LED with standard  spectrum settings. Growers can then adjust spectral ratios and test accordingly to optimize your grow for desired varieties and specific characteristics. Remember, when implementing a smart lighting strategy, it is important to treat light as any other variable and keep testing to determine conditions best for your varieties.

American manufacturer’s recommendations

Testing of luminaires FLORA LED in Italy

Planting density                                 5 plants for 1 m2

Flowering period                                55 days of flowering 12/12

Avg. PPFD                                            330 µmol/m2•s

DLI                                                         14.3 mol/m2

Harvest                                                  1 kg/m2  of fresh flowers (250g/m2  dry flowers)

Recommended greenhouse lighting power

Recommendations for plant  growing in glass or film greenhouses

Parameters Power level
reduced middle increased
Spacing S between lines of luminaires,  m 2.0 1.5 1.0
Specific power consumption, W/m2 100 130 200
PPFD, µmol/m2*s 225 300 450
Irradiance, W/m2 45 60 90
Daily light integral


Photoperiod, hours 12 mol/m2 9.7 13.0 19.4
MJ/m2 1.9 2.6 3.9
14 mol/m2 11.3 15.1 22.7
MJ/m2 2.3 3.0 4.5
16 mol/m2 13.0 17.3 25.9
MJ/m2 2.6 3.5 5,2
18 mol/m2 14.6 19.4 29.2
MJ/m2 2.9 3.9 5.8
20 mol/m2 16.2 21.7 32.4
MJ/m2 3.2 4.3 6.5

Recommendations for plant  growing without sunlight

Name of parameters Power level
reduced middle increased
Spacing S between lines of luminaires,  m 1.0 0,65 0,5
Specific power consumption, W/m2 200 300 400
Daily light integral (DLI) mol/m2 17 26 35
MJ/m2 3.4 5.2 7.0
Photoperiod (day), hours 12 12 12
PPFD, µmol/m2*s 400 600 800
Irradiance, W/m2 80 120 140

Approximate solar radiation and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in the region under average cloud conditions

Solar radiation for period Unit Month
Month Total MJ/m2 144 188 321 491 678 719 718 629 445 309 162 124
PAR MJ/m2 65 85 144 221 305 324 323 283 200 139 73 56
mol/m2 292 381 650 994 1373 1456 1454 1274 901 626 328 251
Day Total MJ/m2 4,6 6,7 10,4 16,4 21,9 24,0 23,2 20,3 14,8 10,0 5,4 4,0
PAR MJ/m2 2,1 3,0 4,7 7,4 9,8 10,8 10,4 9,1 6,7 4,5 2,4 1,8
mol/m2 9 14 21 33 44 48 47 41 30 20 11 8

Note: According to meteorological observations at 43 degrees north latitude

Approximate solar radiation and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in the region under average cloud conditions

Solar radiation for period Unit Month
Month Total MJ/m2 80 164 342 439 599 642 613 507 308 145 74 51
PAR MJ/m2 36 74 154 198 270 289 276 228 139 65 33 23
mol/m2 162 332 693 889 1213 1300 1241 1027 624 294 150 103
Day Total MJ/m2 2,6 5,9 11,0 14,6 19,3 21,4 19,8 16,4 10,3 4,7 2,5 1,7
PAR MJ/m2 1,2 2,6 5,0 6,6 8,7 9,6 8,9 7,4 4,6 2,1 1,1 0,7
mol/m2 5 12 22 30 39 43 40 33 21 9 5 3

Note: According to meteorological observations at 55 degrees north latitude

Approximate solar radiation and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in the region under average cloud conditions

Solar radiation for period Unit Month
Month Total MJ/m2 37 94 261 374 590 634 596 432 237 104 36 18
PAR MJ/m2 17 42 117 168 266 285 268 194 107 47 16 8
mol/m2 75 190 529 757 1195 1284 1207 875 480 211 73 36
Day Total MJ/m2 1,2 3,4 8,4 12,5 19,0 21,1 19,2 13,9 7,9 3,4 1,2 0,6
PAR MJ/m2 0,5 1,5 3,8 5,6 8,6 9,5 8,7 6,3 3,6 1,5 0,5 0,3
mol/m2 2 7 17 25 39 43 39 28 16 7 2 1

Note: According to meteorological observations at 60 degrees north latitude